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Results Oceania's Championship 2017

"The most important thing ... is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle" - Pierre de Coubertin, Founder of the Olympics.


Australia GOLD - 31 SILVER - 41 BRONZE - 30

New Zealand GOLD - 29 SILVER - 19 BRONZE - 21

India GOLD - 0 SILVER - 0 BRONZE - 1



1st Australia - 1331

2nd New Zealand - 974.5

3rd India - 29.5


Cadet Girls: Ella Benson NZL

Cadet Boys: Jack Barnes AUS

Junior Ladies: Leah McDonald NZL

Junior Mens: Kosei Liu AUS

Senior Ladies: Se Min Lee AUS

Senior Mens: Robert Cook AUS

Masters/Veteran Ladies: Lynley Crawford NZL

Masters Mens: Michael Gray AUS

Veteran Men: Andy McDonell NZL

Sunday 16th April 2017

DAY ONE - Oceania's Speed Championship Race Results

Race Number - Name - Place/Time

Event 1 Senior Men 200M Time Trial

432 - Robert Cook - 1st: 18.442

427 - Jake Round - 2nd: 18.455

435 - Craig Hill - 3rd: 18.574

154 - Mark MacDonald - 4th: 19.236

153 - Andrew Jones - 5th: 19.292

431 - Beau Spencer - 6th: 20.517

Event 2 Senior Ladies 200M Time Trial

426 - Se Min Lee - 1st: 22.003

425 - Miriam Wortley - 2nd: 24.250

Event 3 Junior Mens 200M Time Trial

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 1st: 18.294

419 - Kosei Liu- 2nd: 18.888

149 - Hadley Beech - 3rd: 20.135

151 - Keaton Swindells - 4th: 20.253

423 - Liam Morrissey - 5th: 20.458

152 - Sam Portch - 6th: 20.705

424 - Ainslie Cassar- 7th: 20.718

420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 8th: 21.638

429 - Dean Melideo 9th - 21.652

Event 4 Junior Ladies 200M Time Trial

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st: 19.579

416 - Kayleen Vance - 2nd: 20.970

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 3rd: 21.008

418 - Nega Ahmadi - 4th: 21.107

410 - Charmaine Chu - 5th: 21.405

147 - Renee Teers - 6th: 21.642

145 - Sophie Lowen - 7th: 21.720

415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling - 8th: 21.761

146 - Ariana Snook - 9th: 21.825

143 - Charlotte Clarke - 10th: 22.067

414 - Kaylee Lewsen - 11th: 22.748

Event 5 Cadet Boys 200M Time Trial

406 - Max Clayton - 1st: 21.830

142 - Chase Morpeth - 2nd: 22.337

141 - Luke Denton - 3rd: 22.557

376 - Tanish Sahni - 4th: 22.949

408 - Jack Barnes - 5th: 23.297

409 - Aran Gitlits - 6th: 24.246

422 - Riley McKenzie - 7th: 24.308

407 - Harry Geary - 8th: 26.758

Event 6 Cadet Girls 200M Time Trial

130 - Ella Benson - 1st: 20.933

139 - Serenity Griffith - 2nd: 21.241

401 - Asha Hickford - 3rd: 22.131

131 - Charli Nevin - 4th: 22.504

374 - Ocean Collison-Smith - 5th: 23.222

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 6th: 23.635

137 - Holly Ward - 7th: 24.200

136 - Roshean O'Connor - 8th: 24.735

138 - Lydia Stack - 9th: 30.283 (FALL)

Event 7 Masters Mens 200M Time Trial

438 - Michael Gray - 1st: 20.494

436 - Stephen Mynott - 2nd: 20.982

155 - Gareth Jameson - 3rd: 21.320

437 - Neale Clancy - 4th: 22.977

Event 8 Veterans Mens 200M Time Trial

161 - Andy McDonell - 1st: 20.995

441 - Stephen Cook - 2nd: 23.279

440 - Nick Myint - 3rd: 24.697

439 - Stephen Hampson - 4th: 26.356

377 - Robert Stack - 5th: 29.763

Event 9 Masters & Veterans Ladies Combined 200M Time Trial

446 - Linda Wild - 1st: 25.571

378 - Lynley Crawford - 2nd: 25.688

442 - Patricia Barr - 3rd: 26.614

381 - Sarah Stack - 4th: 26.682

445 - Jennifer Trapp - 5th: 27.705

Event 10 Junior Mens 1000M Heat

(1st from Each Heat & 6 Fastest times to Final - Event 19)

Heat One

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 1st: 1.30.66

151 - Keaton Swindells - 2nd: 1.34.85

429 - Dean Melideo - 3rd: 1.35.50

423 - Liam Morrissey - 4th: 1.35.60

420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 5th: 1.36.88

Heat Two

149 - Hadley Beech - 1st: 1.41.34

419 - Kosei Liu- 2nd: 1.41.47

152 - Sam Portch - 3rd: 1.41.49

424 - Ainslie Cassar- 4th: 1.41.57

Event 11 Junior Ladies 1000M Heat

(1st from Each Heat & 6 Fastest times to Final - Event 20)

Heat One

410 - Charmaine Chu - 1st: 1.37.25 418 - Nega Ahmadi - 2nd: 1.37.32

140 - Leah McDonald - 3rd: 1.37.47

146 - Ariana Snook - 4th: 1.37.56

415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling - 5th: 1.42.72

Heat Two

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 1st: 1.43.06

145 - Sophie Lowen - 2nd : 1.43.12

147 - Renee Teers - 3rd: 1.43.69

414 - Kaylee Lewsen - 4th: 1.43.84

143 - Charlotte Clarke - 5th: 1.44.22

416 - Kayleen Vance - 6th: 1.49.41

Event 12 Cadet Girls 1000M Heat

(1st from Each Heat & 6 Fastest times to Final - Event 21)

Heat One

130 - Ella Benson - 1st: 1.45.75

131 - Charli Nevin - 2nd: 1.46.13

374 - Ocean Collison-Smith - 3rd: 1.49.40

136 - Roshean O'Connor - 4th: 1.53.06

138 - Lydia Stack - 5th: 2.00.47

Heat Two

139 - Serenity Griffith - 1st: 1.53.94

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 2nd: 1.54.44

401 - Asha Hickford - 3rd: 1.54.62

137 - Holly Ward - 4th: 1.55.03

Event 13 Cadet Boys 1000M Final

406 - Max Clayton - 1st: 1.49.62

408 - Jack Barnes - 2nd

376 - Tanish Sahni - 3rd

407 - Harry Geary - 4th

142 - Chase Morpeth - 5th

141 - Luke Denton - 6th

422 - Riley McKenzie - 7th

409 - Aran Gitlits - 8th

Event 14 Senior Mens 1000M Final

432 - Robert Cook - 1st: 1.34.53

153 - Andrew Jones - 2nd

435 - Craig Hill - 3rd

427 - Jake Round - 4th

154 - Mark MacDonald - 5th

431 - Beau Spencer - 6th

Event 15 Senior Ladies 1000M Final

426 - Se Min Lee - 1st: 1.45.53

425 - Miriam Wortley - 2nd

Event 16 Masters Men 1000M Final

438 - Michael Gray - 1st: 1.35.94

155 - Gareth Jameson - 2nd

436 - Stephen Mynott -3rd

437 - Neale Clancy - 4th

Event 17 Veterans Men 1000M Final

161 - Andy McDonell - 1st: 1.46.34

441 - Stephen Cook - 2nd

440 - Nick Myint - 3rd

439 - Stephen Hampson - 4th

377 - Robert Stack - 5th

Event 18 Masters & Veterans Ladies Combined 1000M Final

378 - Lynley Crawford - 1st: 1.58.16

446 - Linda Wild - 2nd

381 - Sarah Stack - 3rd

445 - Jennifer Trapp - 4th

442 - Patricia Barr - 5th

Event 19 Junior Mens 1000M Final

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 1st : 1.33.97

419 - Kosei Liu- 2nd

149 - Hadley Beech - 3rd

152 - Sam Portch - 4th

151 - Keaton Swindells - 5th

429 - Dean Melideo - 6th

423 - Liam Morrissey - 7th

420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 8th

Event 20 Junior Ladies 1000M Final

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st : 1.39.72

410 - Charmaine Chu - 2nd

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 3rd

418 - Nega Ahmadi - 4th

146 - Ariana Snook - 5th

147 - Renee Teers - 6th

145 - Sophie Lowen - 7th

415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling 8th

Event 21 Cadet Girls 1000M Final

130 - Ella Benson - 1st: 1.41.78

131 - Charli Nevin - 2nd

139 - Serenity Griffith - 3rd

401 - Asha Hickford - 4th

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 5th

137 - Holly Ward - 6th

374 - Ocean Collison-Smith - 7th

136 - Roshean O'Connor - 8th

Event 22 Masters Men 3000M Final

438 - Michael Gray - 1st: 5.35.07

436 - Stephen Mynott -2nd

155 - Gareth Jameson - 3rd

437 - Neale Clancy - 4th

Event 23 Veterans Men 3000M Final

161 - Andy McDonell - 1st: 6.12.22

441 - Stephen Cook - 2nd

440 - Nick Myint - 3rd

439 - Stephen Hampson - 4th

377 - Robert Stack - 5th

Event 24 Masters & Veterans Ladies Combined 3000M Final

378 - Lynley Crawford - 1st: 6.37.22

446 - Linda Wild - 2nd

381 - Sarah Stack - 3rd

442 - Patricia Barr - 4th

445 - Jennifer Trapp - 5th

Event 25 Cadet Girls 10,000m Elimination

130 - Ella Benson - 1st: 19.38.50

131 - Charli Nevin - 2nd

401 - Asha Hickford - 3rd

139 - Serenity Griffith - 4th

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 5th

137 - Holly Ward - 6th

374 - Ocean Collison-Smith - 7th

136 - Roshean O'Connor - 8th

138 - Lydia Stack - 9th

Event 26 Cadet Boys 10,000m Elimination

408 - Jack Barnes - 1st: 20.03.43

407 - Harry Geary - 2nd

141 - Luke Denton - 3rd

409 - Aran Gitlits - 4th

142 - Chase Morpeth - 5th

406 - Max Clayton - 6th

376 - Tanish Sahni - 7th

422 - Riley McKenzie - 8th

Event 27 Junior Ladies 20,000m Elimination

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st: 41.18.00

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 2nd

146 - Ariana Snook - 3rd

414 - Kaylee Lewsen - 4th

410 - Charmaine Chu - 5th

147 - Renee Teers - 6th 418 - Nega Ahmadi - 7th

145 - Sophie Lowen - 8th

143 - Charlotte Clarke - 9th

415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling - 10th

416 - Kayleen Vance - 11th

Event 28 Senior Ladies 3,000M Final

426 - Se Min Lee - 1st: 6.08.75

425 - Miriam Wortley - 2nd

Monday 17th April 2017

DAY TWO - Oceania's Speed Championship Race Results

Race Number - Name - Place/Time

Event 31 Junior Mens 500M Heats (1st & 2nd from each heat to Semi Final - Event 36)

Heat One

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 1st: 44.680

424 - Ainslie Cassar - 2nd

152 - Sam Portch - 3rd

Heat Two

419 - Kosei Liu - 1st: 47.180

423 - Liam Morrissey - 2nd

420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 3rd

Heat Three

149 - Hadley Beech - 1st: NTR

429 - Dean Melideo - 2nd

151 - Keaton Swindells -

Event 32 Junior Ladies 500M Heats (1st & 2nd from each heat to Semi Final - Event 37)

Heat One

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st: 48.000

145 - Sophie Lowen - 2nd

147 - Renee Teers - 3rd

Heat Two

410 - Charmaine Chu - 1st: NTR

414 - Kaylee Lewsen - 2nd

416 - Kayleen Vance - 3rd

415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling - 4th

Heat Three

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 1st: 48.700

146 - Ariana Snook - 2nd 418 - Nega Ahmadi - 3rd

143 - Charlotte Clarke - 4th

Event 33 Cadet Girls 500M Heats (1st & 2nd from each heat to Semi Final - Event 38)

Heat One

130 - Ella Benson - 1st: 50.340

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 2nd

137 - Holly Ward - 3rd

Heat Two

139 - Serenity Griffith - 1st: 51.230

374 - Ocean Collison-Smith - 2nd

136 - Roshean O'Connor - 3rd

Heat Three

401 - Asha Hickford - 1st: 51.750

131 - Charli Nevin - 2nd

138 - Lydia Stack - 3rd

Event 34 Cadet Boys 500M Heats (1st & 2nd from each heat to Final - Event 43)

Heat One

406 - Max Clayton - 1st: 53.470

408 - Jack Barnes - 2nd

376 - Tanish Sahni - 3rd

407 - Harry Geary - 4th

Heat Two

142 - Chase Morpeth - 1st: 53.150 141 - Luke Denton - 2nd

409 - Aran Gitlits - 3rd

422 - Riley McKenzie - 44th

Event 35 Senior Mens 500M Heats (1st & 2nd from each heat to Final - Event 44) Heat One

432 - Robert Cook - 1st: 42.760

154 - Mark MacDonald - 2nd

153 - Andrew Jones - 3rd

Heat Two 427 - Jake Round - 1st: 44.770 435 - Craig Hill - 2nd

431 - Beau Spencer - 3rd

Event 36 Junior Mens 500M Semi Finals

(1st & 2nd from each semi final to Final - Event 45)

Semi One

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 1st : 45.590

423 - Liam Morrissey - 2nd

424 - Ainslie Cassar - 3rd

Semi Two

419 - Kosei Liu- 1st: TIME1

149 - Hadley Beech - 2nd

429 - Dean Melideo - 3rd

Event 37 Junior Ladies 500M Semi Finals (1st & 2nd from each semi final to Final - Event 46)

Semi One

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st: 47.970

145 - Sophie Lowen - 2nd

414 - Kaylee Lewsen - 3rd

Semi Two

410 - Charmaine Chu - 1st: 48.570

146 - Ariana Snook - 2nd

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 3rd

Event 38 Cadet Girls 500M Semi Finals (1st & 2nd from each semi final to Final - Event 47)

Semi One

130 - Ella Benson - 1st: 51.500

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 2nd

374 - Ocean Collinson-Smith - 3rd

Semi Two

401 - Asha Hickford - 1st: 50.330 131 - Charli Nevin - 2nd 139 - Serenity Griffith - 3rd

Event 39 Senior Ladies 500M Final

426 - Se Min Lee - 1st: 50.910

425 - Miriam Wortley - 2nd

Event 40 Master Mens 500M Final

436 - Stephen Mynott - 1st: 47.290

438 - Michael Gray - 2nd

155 - Gareth Jameson - 3rd

437 - Neale Clancy - 4th

Event 41 Veterans Mens 500M Final

161 - Andy McDonell - 1st: 49.090

441 - Stephen Cook - 2nd

440 - Nick Myint - 3rd

439 - Stephen Hampson - 4th

377 - Robert Stack - 5th

Event 42 Masters & Veterans Ladies Combined 500M Final

381 - Sarah Stack - 1st: 59.850

378 - Lynley Crawford - 2nd

446 - Linda Wild - 3rd

442 - Patricia Barr - 4th

445 - Jennifer Trapp - 5th

Event 43 Cadet Boys 500M Final

406 - Max Clayton - 1st: 51.280

408 - Jack Barnes - 2nd

141 - Luke Denton - 3rd

142 - Chase Morpeth - 4th

Event 44 Senior Mens 500M Final

432 - Robert Cook - 1st: 41.750

154 - Mark MacDonald - 2nd

435 - Craig Hill - 3rd

427 - Jake Round - 4th

Event 45 Junior Mens 500M Final

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 1st: 42.750

419 - Kosei Liu - 2nd

149 - Hadley Beech - 3rd

423 - Liam Morrissey - 4th

Event 46 Junior Ladies 500M Final

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st: 47.000

410 - Charmaine Chu - 2nd

146 - Ariana Snook - 3rd

145 - Sophie Lowen - 4th

Event 47 Cadet Girls 500M Final

130 - Ella Benson - 1st: 50.090

401 - Asha Hickford - 2nd

131 - Charli Nevin - 3rd

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 4th

Event 48 Masters & Veterans Ladies Combined 5,000M Points Final

378 - Lynley Crawford - 1st: 11.20.90 - 19 Points

446 - Linda Wild - 2nd - 12 Points

381 - Sarah Stack - 3rd - 5 Points

445 - Jennifer Trapp - 4th

442 - Patricia Barr - 5th

Event 49 Masters Mens 5,000M Points Final

155 - Gareth Jameson - 1st: 9.14.00 - 18 Points

438 - Michael Gray - 2nd - 15 Points

436 - Stephen Mynott - 3rd - 3 Points

437 - Neale Clancy - 4th

Event 50 Veterans Mens 5,000M Points Final

161 - Andy McDonell - 1st: 10.15.09 - 23 Points

441 - Stephen Cook - 2nd - 12 Points

440 - Nick Myint - 3rd - 1 Point

439 - Stephen Hampson - 4th

377 - Robert Stack - 5th

Event 51 Cadet Girls 5,000M Points Final

131 - Charli Nevin - 1st: NTR - 17 Points

136 - Roshean O'Connor - 2nd - 7 Points

401 - Asha Hickford - 3rd - 6 Points

130 - Ella Benson - 4th - 5 Points

139 - Serenity Griffith - 5th - 1 Points

137 - Holly Ward - 6th

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 7th

374 - Ocean Collison-Smith - 8th

138 - Lydia Stack - 9th

Event 52 Cadet Boys 5,000M Points Final

408 - Jack Barnes - 1st: 9.41.10 - 12 Points

406 - Max Clayton - 2nd - 7 Points

142 - Chase Morpeth - 3rd - 6 Points

407 - Harry Geary - 4th - 6 Points

141 - Luke Denton - 5th - 5 Points

376 - Tanish Sahni - 6th

409 - Aran Gitlits - 7th

422 - Riley McKenzie - 8th

Event 53 Juniors Ladies 10,000M Points Final

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st: 18.45.94 - 25 Points

414 - Kaylee Lewsen - 2nd - 12 Points

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 3rd - 12 Points

410 - Charmaine Chu - 4th - 9 Points

418 - Nega Ahmadi - 5th - 7 Points

147 - Renee Teers - 6th - 7 Points

143 - Charlotte Clarke - 7th

146 - Ariana Snook - 8th

145 - Sophie Lowen - 9th

415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling - 10th

416 - Kayleen Vance - 11th

Event 54 Senior Ladies 10,000M Points Final

426 - Se Min Lee - 1st: 21.55.97 - 44 Points

425 - Miriam Wortley - 2nd - 27 Points

Event 55 Junior Mens 10,000M Points Final

419 - Kosei Liu - 1st: 17.24.91 - 21 Points

424 - Ainslie Cassar - 2nd - 18 Points

152 - Sam Portch - 3rd - 9 Points

429 - Dean Melideo - 4th - 6 Points

149 - Hadley Beech - 5th - 5 Points

151 - Keaton Swindells - 6th - 4 Points

420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 7th

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 8th

423 - Liam Morrissey - 9th

Event 56 Senior Mens 10,000M Points Final

432 - Robert Cook - 1st: 16.49.90 - 35 Points

435 - Craig Hill - 2nd - 20 Points

427 - Jake Round - 3rd - 12 Points

153 - Andrew Jones - 4th - Points

154 - Mark MacDonald - 5th

431 - Beau Spencer - 6th

Event 57 Cadet Girls 3,000M Team Relay Final

NZL TEAM 1: 130 - Ella Benson, 131 - Charli Nevin, 139 - Serenity Griffith - 1st: 5.06.40

NZL TEAM 2: 137 - Holly Ward, 374 - Ocean Collison-Smith, 136 - Roshean O'Connor - 2nd

AUS TEAM: 401 - Asha Hickford, 403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 3rd

Event 58 Cadet Boys 3,000M Team Relay Final

AUS TEAM 1: 406 - Max Clayton, 408 - Jack Barnes, 407 - Harry Geary - 1st: 5.19.69


141 - Luke Denton, 142 - Chase Morpeth - 2nd


422 - Riley McKenzie, 409 - Aran Gitlits - 3rd

Event 59/60 Masters & Veterans Mens Combined 3,000M Team Relay Final

AUS TEAM 1: 438 - Michael Gray, 441 - Stephen Cook, 436 - Stephen Mynott - 1st: 4.52.75


155 - Gareth Jameson, 161 - Andy McDonell, 377 - Robert Stack - 2nd


437 - Neale Clancy, 440 - Nick Myint, 439 - Stephen Hampson - 3rd

Event 61 Masters & Veterans Ladies Combined 3,000M Team Relay Final

AUS TEAM: 446 - Linda Wild, 442 - Patricia Barr, 445 - Jennifer Trapp - 1st: 6.05.78

NZL TEAM: 378 - Lynley Crawford, 381 - Sarah Stack - 2nd

Event 62 Junior Ladies 5,000M Team Relay Final


140 - Leah McDonald, 146 - Ariana Snook, 147 - Renee Teers - 1st: 8.01.75


410 - Charmaine Chu, 413 - Giselle Stogdale, 418 - Nega Ahmadi - 2nd


414 - Kaylee Lewsen, 415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling, 416 - Kayleen Vance - 3rd


145 - Sophie Lowen, 143 - Charlotte Clarke - 4th

Event 63 Junior Mens 5,000M Team Relay Final


150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper, 149 - Hadley Beech, 151 - Keaton Swindells - 1st: 7.35.53


419 - Kosei Liu, 423 - Liam Morrissey, 424 - Ainslie Cassar - 2nd


429 - Dean Melideo, 420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 3rd

Event 64 Senior Mens 5,000M Team Relay Final


432 - Robert Cook, 435 - Craig Hill, 427 - Jake Round - 1st: 7.50.65


153 - Andrew Jones, 154 - Mark MacDonald - 2nd

Tuesday 18th April 2017

DAY THREE - Oceania's Speed Championship Race Results

Race Number - Name - Place/Time

Event 29 Junior Men 20,000m Elimination

419 - Kosei Liu - 1st: 36.550

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 2nd

424 - Ainslie Cassar - 3rd

429 - Dean Melideo - 4th

152 - Sam Portch - 5th

149 - Hadley Beech - 6th

151 - Keaton Swindells - 7th

420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 8th

423 - Liam Morrissey - 9th

Event 30 Senior Men 20,000m Elimination

432 - Robert Cook - 1st: 35.400

427 - Jake Round - 2nd

435 - Craig Hill - 3rd

154 - Mark MacDonald - 4th

153 - Andrew Jones - 5th

431 - Beau Spencer - 6th

Event 65 Cadet Girls 21.097km Half Marathon

401 - Asha Hickford - 1st: 42.510

131 - Charli Nevin - 2nd

139 - Serenity Griffith - 3rd

130 - Ella Benson - 4th

136 - Roshean O'Connor - 5th

403 - Shakaya Bleyenberg - 6th

137 - Holly Ward - 7th

374 - Ocean Collison-Smith - 8th

138 - Lydia Stack - 9th

Event 66 Cadet Boys 21.097km Half Marathon

408 - Jack Barnes - 1st: 43.570

407 - Harry Geary - 2nd

142 - Chase Morpeth - 3rd

141 - Luke Denton - 4th

406 - Max Clayton - 5th

409 - Aran Gitlits - 6th

376 - Tanish Sahni - 7th

422 - Riley McKenzie - 8th

Wednesday 19th April 2017

DAY FOUR - Oceania's Speed Championship Race Results

Race Number - Name - Place/Time

Event 67 Junior Ladies 42.195km Marathon

140 - Leah McDonald - 1st: 1.24.09

146 - Ariana Snook - 2nd 410 - Charmaine Chu - 3rd 147 - Renee Teers - 4th

414 - Kaylee Lewsen - 5th

413 - Giselle Stogdale - 6th

143 - Charlotte Clarke - 7th 148 - Sriya Mistry - 8th

145 - Sophie Lowen - 9th

415 - Jaide Gayle-Weiling - 10th

Event 68 Junior Mens 42.195km Marathon

419 - Kosei Liu - 1st: 1.174.53

152 - Sam Portch - 2nd

424 - Ainslie Cassar - 3rd

151 - Keaton Swindells - th

429 - Dean Melideo - 5h

420 - Jaryd Bolsom - 6th

423 - Liam Morrissey - 7th

149 - Hadley Beech - 8th

150 - Jan-Hendrik Kuepper - 9th

Event 69 Senior Ladies 42klm Marathon

426 - Se Min Lee - 1st: 1.35.26

425 - Miriam Wortley - 2nd

Event 70 Senior Mens 42klm Marathon

435 - Craig Hill - 1st: 1.15.24 432 - Robert Cook - 2nd

427 - Jake Round - 3rd

154 - Mark MacDonald - 4th

431 - Beau Spencer - 5th

153 - Andrew Jones - 6th

Event 71 Masters & Veterans Ladies Combined 42.195km Marathon

378 - Lynley Crawford - 1st: 1.42.37

446 - Linda Wild - 2nd

445 - Jennifer Trapp - 3rd

442 - Patricia Barr - 4th

381 - Sarah Stack - 5th

Event 72 Masters & Veterans Mens 42.195km Marathon

161 - Andy McDonell - 1st: 1.22.35 438 - Michael Gray - 2nd 155 - Gareth Jameson - 3rd

436 - Stephen Mynott - 4th

441 - Stephen Cook - 5th

440 - Nick Myint - 6th

377 - Robert Stack - 7th

437 - Neale Clancy - 8th

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